Bug / Vulnerability Reward Program

Immediately after our launch, To improve our site's security, we are offering rewards to anyone reporting a previously unknown security-relevant bug or design flaw.

What types of bugs qualify?

What types of bugs do not qualify?

How much can I earn?

We offer up to NPR 5,000 per bug, depending on its complexity and impact potential.

Who is eligible?

The first finder of the bug. Bugs reported by third parties are typically not considered for a reward.

What is the disclosure policy?

You are free to disclose your finding to the general public after we confirm to you that the issue has been resolved.

Who makes the decision?

The decision whether you qualify and how much you earn is at our discretion, and while we will be fair and generous, you agree to accept our verdict as final.

How do I submit my finding?

Send an e-mail to [email protected].